Переключатель с подсветкой: стильный и функциональный чекбокс на CSS
See the Pen Simple switch with led indicator by Chris Bolson (@cbolson) on CodePen.
<div class="switch"><div class="icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M7 8l10 8l-5 4l0 -16l5 4l-10 8" /></svg><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M3 3l18 18" /><path d="M16.438 16.45l-4.438 3.55v-8m0 -4v-4l5 4l-2.776 2.22m-2.222 1.779l-5 4" /></svg></div><label for="toggle" aria-label="Toggle Filter"><input type="checkbox" id="toggle" data-on="ON" data-off="OFF"></label><span class="led"></span></div><div class="switch"><div class="icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M12 18l.01 0" /><path d="M9.172 15.172a4 4 0 0 1 5.656 0" /><path d="M6.343 12.343a8 8 0 0 1 11.314 0" /><path d="M3.515 9.515c4.686 -4.687 12.284 -4.687 17 0" /></svg><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M12 18l.01 0" /><path d="M9.172 15.172a4 4 0 0 1 5.656 0" /><path d="M6.343 12.343a7.963 7.963 0 0 1 3.864 -2.14m4.163 .155a7.965 7.965 0 0 1 3.287 2" /><path d="M3.515 9.515a12 12 0 0 1 3.544 -2.455m3.101 -.92a12 12 0 0 1 10.325 3.374" /><path d="M3 3l18 18" /></svg></div><label for="toggle-2" aria-label="Toggle Filter"><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-2" checked data-on="YES" data-off="NO"></label><span class="led"></span></div>
.switch{--switch-width: 80px;--switch-height: calc(var(--switch-width) / 2);--switch-border-radius: 999vw; /* this will also adjust the radius on the toggle */--switch-clr-border: rgba(255 255 255 / .25);--switch-clr-bg: rgb(41 37 36);--switch-clr-bg-on: green;--switch-inset: 2px;--switch-duration: 300ms;--toggle-size: calc(var(--switch-height) - var(--switch-inset) * 3);--toggle-gap: calc(var(--toggle-size) * 1.5);--toggle-bg: #404040;--toggle-bg-on: #F3F4F6;--led-size: 8px;--led-color-off: rgba(255 255 255 / .15);--led-color-on: rgb(56, 189, 248);--led-color-loading: rgb(234 179 8);--led-duration: 3s;--led-delay: 500ms;--led-blur: 12px;--led-blur-distance: -.5rem;display: flex;align-items: center;gap: .75rem;width: fit-content;}.switch label{position: relative;cursor: pointer;overflow: hidden;width: var(--switch-width);height: var(--switch-height);border-radius: var(--switch-border-radius);border: 1px solid var(--switch-clr-border);outline: 1px dashed transparent;outline-offset: 4px;color: var(--switch-clr-txt);background-color: var(--switch-clr-bg);isolation: isolate;transition-property: background-color;transition-duration: var(--switch-duration);transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;transition-delay: var(--switch-delay,0ms);}.switch > .icon{display: grid;grid-template-areas: "stack";}.switch > .icon > svg{grid-area: stack;scale: var(--icon-on,0);transition: scale 150ms ease-in-out var(--icon-delay,0ms);}.switch > .icon > svg:last-of-type{scale: var(--icon-off,1);}.switch input[type="checkbox"] {position: absolute;pointer-events: none;appearance: none;border: none;outline: none;border-radius: inherit;background-color: var(--toggle-bg);top: var(--switch-inset);left: var(--toggle-x,var(--switch-inset));width: var(--toggle-size);height: var(--toggle-size);display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;gap: var(--toggle-gap);transition-property: left, background-color;transition-duration: var(--switch-duration);transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;}.switch input[type="checkbox"]::before,.switch input[type="checkbox"]::after{position: relative;color: white;transition: scale var(--switch-duration);}.switch input[type="checkbox"]::before{content: attr(data-on);scale: var(--label-scale-on, .75);}.switch input[type="checkbox"]::after{content: attr(data-off);scale: var(--label-scale-off, 1);}.switch > .led{position: relative;width: var(--led-size);height: var(--led-size);display: block;border: 1px solid rgba(255 255 255 / .25);border-radius: 50%;background-color: var(--led-color-off) ;transition: background-color 50ms;animation: var(--led-animation,"")}.switch > .led:before{content: '';position: absolute;inset: var(--led-blur-distance);z-index: -1;border-radius: inherit;filter: blur(var(--led-blur));opacity: .75;animation: var(--led-animation,"")}.switch:has(input[type="checkbox"]:focus-visible) label{outline-color: white;}/* switch "on" */.switch:has(input[type="checkbox"]:checked){--switch-clr-bg: var(--switch-clr-bg-on);--switch-delay: 250ms; /* slight delay on background color change */--toggle-x: calc(50% + var(--switch-inset));--toggle-clr-bg: green;--toggle-bg: var(--toggle-bg-on);--led-animation: toggle var(--led-duration) linear forwards var(--led-delay);--icon-on: 1;--icon-off: 0;--icon-delay: 250ms;--label-scale-off: .75;--label-scale-on: 1;}@keyframes toggle{0%,10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%{background-color: var(--led-color-off);}5%,15%,25%,35%,45%,55%,65%,75%,85%{background-color: var(--led-color-loading);}100%{background-color: var(--led-color-on);}}/* general styling not relevant for this demo */*,::before,::after {box-sizing: border-box;}:root {--clr-bg: #222;--clr-primary: #f5f5f5;--clr-secondary: #075985;}input{margin: 0;padding: 0;}html {background-color: var(--clr-bg);font-family: system-ui;}body {min-height: 100svh;display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;justify-content: center;gap: 1.5rem;/*font-size: clamp(0.9rem, 2.5vw,1.4rem);*/color: var(--clr-primary);padding: 1rem;background-image: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(175, 208, 84, .25) 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px);background-size: 40px 40px;}body::after {content: "";position: fixed;top: 1rem;left: 1rem;width: 32px;height: 32px;background-size: cover;background-image: url('dаta:image/svg+xml,<svg id="logo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 100 100" version="1.1"><g id="surface1"><path fill="rgb(175, 208, 84)" d="M 47.894531 0.789062 C 46.320312 0.878906 45.480469 0.949219 44.601562 1.042969 C 37.023438 1.863281 29.746094 4.394531 23.386719 8.414062 C 20.214844 10.421875 17.402344 12.65625 14.757812 15.285156 C 7.773438 22.222656 3.027344 30.992188 1.113281 40.5 C -0.460938 48.332031 -0.132812 56.378906 2.070312 64.003906 C 4.0625 70.890625 7.507812 77.195312 12.277344 82.675781 C 16.65625 87.714844 22.109375 91.898438 28.074219 94.804688 C 37.914062 99.59375 49.078125 101.03125 59.875 98.886719 C 69.480469 96.976562 78.265625 92.300781 85.253906 85.371094 C 92.304688 78.386719 97.027344 69.65625 98.960938 60.039062 C 99.636719 56.675781 99.902344 53.996094 99.902344 50.285156 C 99.902344 47.910156 99.855469 46.925781 99.660156 45.128906 C 98.671875 35.808594 95.136719 27.136719 89.324219 19.773438 C 86.917969 16.722656 83.851562 13.675781 80.777344 11.285156 C 75.664062 7.304688 69.949219 4.410156 63.695312 2.628906 C 60.5625 1.742188 57.058594 1.128906 53.609375 0.867188 C 52.796875 0.804688 48.566406 0.746094 47.894531 0.789062 Z M 54.105469 24.300781 C 54.105469 24.355469 53.550781 25.921875 52.875 27.773438 L 51.636719 31.148438 L 41.390625 31.148438 C 34.375 31.148438 31 31.167969 30.683594 31.210938 C 27.867188 31.601562 25.414062 33.695312 24.371094 36.621094 C 24.054688 37.503906 23.910156 38.265625 23.839844 39.371094 C 23.800781 40.046875 23.789062 43.769531 23.804688 50.574219 C 23.828125 61.464844 23.816406 60.867188 24.101562 62.066406 C 24.316406 62.976562 24.832031 64.132812 25.339844 64.875 C 26.515625 66.597656 28.074219 67.726562 29.9375 68.203125 C 30.679688 68.394531 31.542969 68.433594 34.851562 68.433594 C 37.878906 68.433594 37.960938 68.441406 37.925781 68.542969 C 37.90625 68.601562 37.34375 70.148438 36.671875 71.972656 L 35.460938 75.296875 L 32.726562 75.296875 C 30.136719 75.296875 29.960938 75.285156 29.269531 75.164062 C 26.808594 74.714844 24.59375 73.707031 22.644531 72.152344 C 22.015625 71.648438 20.859375 70.496094 20.335938 69.847656 C 18.960938 68.15625 17.824219 65.824219 17.285156 63.601562 C 16.824219 61.660156 16.835938 62.175781 16.859375 49.355469 C 16.882812 36.71875 16.847656 37.765625 17.292969 35.953125 C 17.882812 33.523438 18.941406 31.398438 20.515625 29.5 C 21.140625 28.746094 21.625 28.257812 22.417969 27.597656 C 24.695312 25.699219 27.460938 24.53125 30.316406 24.265625 C 30.589844 24.234375 36.054688 24.210938 42.460938 24.207031 C 53.515625 24.199219 54.105469 24.207031 54.105469 24.300781 Z M 66.320312 24.363281 C 69.789062 24.90625 72.703125 26.371094 75.039062 28.757812 C 76.65625 30.402344 77.730469 32.21875 78.382812 34.417969 C 78.683594 35.445312 78.824219 36.347656 78.867188 37.523438 C 78.964844 40.515625 78.066406 43.320312 76.21875 45.777344 C 75.949219 46.136719 75.707031 46.445312 75.675781 46.460938 C 75.558594 46.539062 75.636719 46.605469 76.246094 47 C 80.933594 50.003906 83.621094 55.320312 83.308594 60.960938 C 83.027344 65.992188 80.328125 70.570312 76.113281 73.175781 C 74.453125 74.199219 72.570312 74.894531 70.546875 75.21875 L 69.757812 75.347656 L 56.425781 75.363281 L 43.085938 75.386719 L 43.273438 74.878906 C 43.371094 74.601562 43.949219 73.027344 44.546875 71.386719 L 45.640625 68.40625 L 57.613281 68.375 L 69.582031 68.347656 L 70.167969 68.191406 C 72.121094 67.652344 73.628906 66.617188 74.753906 65.019531 C 75.40625 64.097656 75.960938 62.777344 76.175781 61.632812 C 76.328125 60.832031 76.328125 59.308594 76.175781 58.503906 C 75.867188 56.859375 75.085938 55.316406 73.960938 54.152344 C 72.835938 52.976562 71.722656 52.308594 70.191406 51.894531 L 69.582031 51.730469 L 52.117188 51.703125 L 34.65625 51.671875 L 35.691406 48.835938 C 36.265625 47.273438 36.835938 45.703125 36.96875 45.351562 L 37.207031 44.695312 L 51.269531 44.679688 L 65.328125 44.667969 L 65.941406 44.511719 C 68.972656 43.753906 71.089844 41.820312 71.71875 39.214844 C 71.890625 38.496094 71.898438 37.390625 71.722656 36.699219 C 71.019531 33.839844 68.550781 31.78125 65.21875 31.253906 C 64.984375 31.21875 63.597656 31.171875 62.058594 31.15625 L 59.3125 31.121094 L 60.523438 27.789062 C 61.195312 25.960938 61.769531 24.398438 61.800781 24.324219 L 61.863281 24.183594 L 63.710938 24.21875 C 65.164062 24.242188 65.722656 24.269531 66.320312 24.363281 Z M 66.320312 24.363281 "/></g></svg>');}h1 {font-size: clamp(1rem, 2.5vw + 0.25rem, 1.2rem);font-weight: 500;line-height: 1.6;}.sr-only {position: absolute;width: 1px;height: 1px;padding: 0;margin: -1px;overflow: 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